Name Server Record Lookup Tool

Enter your root domain or subdomain. For example, or

What Are Name Servers?

Name servers are the behind-the-scenes technology that make it possible for users to access websites from domain names. A name server is a computer server that stores a directory of domain names and their associated IP addresses to facilitate website access. When you enter a domain name into your web browser, the name server looks up the corresponding IP address and directs your computer to the website associated with that domain.

Name servers are an essential component of the Domain Name System (DNS) - the system responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses and allowing users to access websites. Configuring and managing name servers can be a complicated task, and it is important to ensure that your name servers are properly configured to ensure a seamless browsing experience. Many companies provide managed name server services, making it easier to properly configure and maintain your name servers.Name servers are a key component of the internet, and they are essential for helping users access websites easily and securely. By understanding the basics of name servers and their role in the Domain Name System, you can ensure that your name servers are properly configured and ready to direct visitors to your website.

How Do Name Servers Work?

Name servers are an integral part of the internet and play an essential role in connecting domain names to the corresponding IP addresses. Whenever you access a website, your browser needs to communicate with the name servers associated with the domain to figure out where the website is located. Name servers act as the "phonebook" of the internet, translating domain names into numerical addresses that computers can understand. In order for name servers to work properly, they must be set up correctly. This involves configuring the name servers for the domain, as well as setting up the correct DNS records.

The DNS records contain information about where the web server is located, how to handle email for the domain, and any other pertinent information. Once the name servers are set up correctly, the domain is ready for use and visitors can access the website without issue. Name servers are a critical component of the internet and help ensure that websites can be accessed from domain names. By properly configuring the name servers and DNS records, you can ensure a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience for your website visitors.

Configuring Name Servers for a Domain

Without name servers, users would not be able to access websites via the domain name and would have to remember the IP address associated with the site.

Name servers can be configured to either use shared hosting services provided by the registrar or use custom name servers that are hosted on another server. When configuring name servers, the first step is to select the hosting provider and the domain name. Then the name servers need to be pointed to the domain’s hosting provider by entering the corresponding DNS information. Once the name servers are configured correctly, the domain name will be linked to the website.Overall, configuring name servers is an important step when owning a domain name. By ensuring that the name servers are pointed to the correct hosting provider and the DNS information is entered correctly, website visitors will be able to access the website by typing in the domain name and the website will load without any interruptions.